Irish Venise

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Irish Gros Point border

9 cm x 180 cm
Clean, rather soft, cut both ends. Occasional small hole in the fillings.

About 96 cm of this border has a consistent design and technique and looks complete, and maybe a little Spanish. The next 28 cm is the same technique, but a different, more pieced design. The rest has a finer technique, lots of picots on the cordonnets, finer thread, partially complete. Which is all confusing, and parts might be earlier than the 19th c. It is all linen.       

There is little technical information about Irish copies of Gros Point. These were made in the convents of Kenmare, New Ross, and Inishmacsaint. Designs were noted to have been heavy and clumsy, excepting a period from 1880-1900, where lighter patterns were popular. This description seems to apply to the first two parts of this border.

purchased 08/17/2020
first posted 04/06/2020